Almost all of us want to make something of ourselves. However, when it comes to photography, some of us want to do more than that, we want to make a difference in people's lives as well. Taking a photograph is not just taking a picture; it's capturing a moment in time, something for others to remember...or in other cases, something to never forget.
We cannot escape bad times: that is the sad reality we face. Something I've learned over the last couple of years during this COVID-19 pandemic is that the world is a cruel and unforgiving place. By world, I mean the universe and nature itself. The world does not care who lives and who dies, no matter how important or insignificant you are. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't care about the world. This all may sound rather morbid and contradictory, but we do need to care about what we do, not just for ourselves but for the rest of the world. What you do today can dramatically affect the world tomorrow.
So what does this have to do with photography? Well, as I said, you capture a moment in time. So, let's use that ability, and harness its power. If you look at the image up top, what do you see? A stuffed bear? A snowy background? A beaten-down church? For most people, the answer is, yes. However, for some of us, it's a reminder. The stuffed bear and clothes on the fence are a tribute to the thousands of Native women and children who were murdered by the Catholic Church during Canada's colonization. Having discovered buried bodies around the Residential Schools all over Canada, people became aware of a horrific chapter in Canadian history. While we may have been taught about Residential Schools, we were never shown what vile acts they committed to those innocent people. So why did I take this image? Simple, it is my hope that people never forget the sick and twisted things we did to the First Nations people, and we should never feel comfortable seeing it.
Did I take it thinking I would be able to wake up the world and shout "HEY, LOOKS WHAT HAPPENED HERE, ISN'T THIS OUTRAGEOUS?", no. Although this image may not change the world, it will have some impact somehow. All it takes sometimes is for people to see something, and feel it. All I want is for someone to glance at the stuffed bear, and realize the fear of a young child while he or she was being murdered by a member of the church. You can't always win people's hearts with happiness and positivity.
So if you really want to make a difference, you have to be willing to accept the reality that you will have to share something very dark and scary. Nobody WANTS to see things like this, but that doesn't change the fact they NEED to see this. If something terrible is happening around you, go out and photograph those moments; you are the ones who will keep history alive. Photography isn't just about saving cherished moments, it's also about preserving those moments we should never, ever forget.
Ever. Child. Matters.